Dental Fillings in Garland, TX

Repair Cavities with Lifelike Restorations

If you have developed a cavity, it is important to receive treatment as soon as possible. A dental filling can strengthen your tooth and prevent decay from spreading further. Dr. Dooley only uses tooth-colored fillings, which will protect the color and appearance of your smile.

Dental Fillings at Our Practice

A cavity develops when acid and bacteria begin to erode your tooth, eventually working their way past your dental enamel and into the deeper dental layers. Without treatment, the decay will spread, and it could eventually move into your dental roots, gums, or nearby teeth. With a filling, Dr. Dooley can stop decay from spreading and he can strengthen your weakened tooth. We offer tooth-colored composite fillings, which are available in various shades. Dr. Dooley will choose the color that matches your smile. To place the filling, he will numb your tooth and clean it out to remove all bacteria. Then he will place the filling in layers, using a curing light to harden each layer.

Benefits of Tooth-Colored Fillings

Fillings are important because they stop decay and prevent further dental damage. They can also restore your dental function by strengthening your damaged tooth. However, composite resin fillings offer additional advantages that metal restorations do not provide. First, metal fillings will often show through your teeth. With composite resin, on the other hand, you can maintain the natural shade of your smile for years to come. In addition, metal fillings will expand and contract in response to heat and cold. Over the years, this can significantly weaken your tooth. Composite restorations remain stable when exposed to varying temperatures. Finally, composite resin will create a stronger bond with your tooth, helping to prevent further damage.

Are You a Candidate for a Dental Filling?

If you have a small to moderately sized cavity, you are likely a good candidate for a dental filling. Dr. Dooley will evaluate your tooth to determine the right treatment for you. If you have extensive decay, he may recommend a larger restoration, such as a crown, inlay, or onlay. He can also replace an old metal filling with a tooth-colored restoration. To schedule a visit, call Scott Dooley Dentistryin Garland, TX, today at 972-495-8100. We also proudly serve the residents of Dallas, Richardson, Wylie, Sachse, and all surrounding communities.


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