trouble-with-intrinsic-discolorationIntrinsic discoloration is not what many people think of when they think about dental discoloration. Many people who would like whiter teeth are seeking help with extrinsic discoloration, external staining agents that have affected their enamel. These stains can be eradicated by a professional whitening treatment. This treatment, provided by your dentist, can offer quick, significant results, and can go beyond the effects a store-bought product can offer. Intrinsic discoloration occurs when a change at a deeper layer of the tooth affects its color. Some people suffer these problems after taking certain medications. In other cases, an injured tooth can take on an altered look. While whitening may not be the best approach in these instances, there are cosmetic dental treatments that can help.

Cosmetic Treatments That Help With Intrinsic Discoloration

Your dentist can provide you with porcelain veneers to cover up intrinsic discoloration. Veneers are crafted to fit your teeth. Once they are placed, they cover up any physical flaws that have affected your smile, including intrinsic discoloration. You can also rely on a dental bonding treatment, a procedure where your dentist applies composite resin to fix a tooth’s problematic appearance. Bonding is the lower-cost solution, but the composite resin used is not as durable as porcelain.

Smile Affected By Stains In Your Enamel? A Whitening Treatment Can Do Wonders

Professional whitening agents can improve your smile’s color by many shades. You can complete a treatment in one visit to your dentist, which means you can boost the quality of your smile in a short time. You can also take home the necessary tools to whiten your teeth on your own time.


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