responding to dry mouthDry mouth can be an uncomfortable feeling, but it can also be a serious complication in your efforts to manage your oral health. There are multiple situations that can lead to you experiencing dry mouth. Some of these conditions will be short-term, while others may have longer-term consequences. Products like tobacco and alcohol can dry out your mouth. Drinking too little water is another possible culprit. It is also possible to suffer prolonged dry mouth as a side effect of a medication you have been taking. Over time, the lack of saliva you are producing will make it harder to stop cavities from forming. Not addressing the issue can make you more likely to need restorative dental work because of cavities.

Saliva’s Role In Defending You From Cavities

Saliva is instrumental in maintaining the health of your teeth. It can actually deliver minerals like fluoride and calcium to your enamel, to support the integrity of the outer surfaces of your teeth. It is also helpful in keeping debris cleared from your teeth, and in the neutralizing of different oral bacteria.

Changing Habits In Order To Reduce The Occurrence Of Dry Mouth

If you want to avoid bouts of dry mouth, limit how often you drink alcohol, and try to end your tobacco use. You can also chew sugar-free gum to stimulate the production of more saliva. Drinking more water is also beneficial. If you are dealing with longer-term episodes of dry mouth, you should definitely let your dentist know. It may be worthwhile to increase the frequency of your regular dental checkups. This means your teeth are inspected and professionally cleaned more often, to reduce your cavity risks.


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