Are you looking for a way to make remarkable changes to your smile? If you need to correct multiple issues, your best solution may be to receive porcelain veneers. This single procedure can eliminate the appearance of several esthetic problems you have had with your teeth. Coverage with veneers can hide discoloration, as well as dental damage, and even congenital flaws. Despite their slim appearance, your veneers boast the kind of durability needed to make sure your improvements are preserved for an extended period of time. In order to find out if you are a good candidate for veneers, and to learn more about cosmetic dental work, set a time for a cosmetic consultation with your dentist.

The Placement Process For Porcelain Veneers

The procedure to prepare and place your veneers will involve two visits. The first appointment you come in for will involve taking measurements, and preparing your teeth so that your veneers look good, and fully bond to your teeth. Your follow-up appointment will take place after your custom veneers have arrived at your dentist’s office. When you come in for your appointment, your dentist will ensure your veneers fit properly, and perform the process of permanently attaching them to the front of your teeth.

What You Can Learn During A Cosmetic Consultation

A cosmetic consultation affords you an opportunity to learn how your dentist can help you with your particular desires for your smile. This is also a chance for your dentist to take a closer look at your teeth, and let you know what procedure might be the best for you.

If You Want To See What Veneers Can Do For Your Smile, Let Your Dentist Know!

When you have porcelain veneers placed on your teeth, you can leave your dentist’s office with a terrific-looking smile. Patients will seek out this cosmetic treatment in order to eliminate the presence of any number of distressing flaws. To schedule an appointment with Scott Dooley, DDS, and the friendly team at Scott Dooley Dentistry, contact us today at 972-495-8100. You can also fill out a patient form, located on our website.


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