4-helpful-oral-health-habitsHow soon would you like to suffer your next cavity? It seems pretty likely that you would like to put off tooth decay for as long as possible. So how do you make sure that happens? Caring for your teeth at home is important; visiting your dentist for semiannual routine checkups is also a major benefit to your oral health. However, the actions you take between professional and at-home care can also influence your relative chances of dealing with a cavity. It is also worth noting that not all at-home care is created equal. If you do a poor job cleaning your teeth, you will be more at risk of a problem that calls for restorative dental work.

1. Choosing Water Over Flavored Beverages

Water is good for your health, and good for your oral health. Picking water instead of a flavored beverage can protect your teeth by reducing your sugar intake. It can also protect your appearance – dark beverages can be a staining risk, and a buildup of those stains could leave you needing a professional whitening treatment.

2. Cutting Back On Sugar

Exposing your teeth to more sugar is a cavity risk. Controlled consumption can be fine, but overdoing it is a real issue when it comes to cavities.

3. Add Flossing To Your At-Home Care Routine

Flossing is important if you want to be sure you are cleaning the spaces between your teeth. It is also a smart way to prevent problems with gum disease.

4. Make Sure Your Toothpaste Contains Fluoride

Good brushing habits are important, and so are the materials you use to go about this action. Toothpaste with fluoride can help keep your enamel strong, and make it easier to recover from damage that could become a cavity in time.


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