3 problems that can be solved with a dental crownDental crowns offer secure and long-lasting protection for vulnerable teeth. Depending on what your tooth needs, you could receive a full crown, an inlay, or an onlay. An inlay covers the space between the cusps of a tooth, while an onlay extends over cusps and down the side of a tooth as well. The full crown totally envelops the visible portion of your tooth. The type of problem your tooth has experienced will determine what sort of crown you receive. The need for variety stems from the way crowns can be relied upon to provide solutions to several different problems.

1. Serious Cavities

A cavity that is too serious for a dental filling can enjoy restoration thanks to a dental crown. The use of a crown to fix a cavity is especially important when your tooth goes through a root canal, which can leave you with a significant portion of your tooth removed.

2. Damage From A Dental Injury

Physical damage can impede your tooth’s ability to function properly. By placing a crown on an injured tooth, you can restore its ability to function, while also addressing any cosmetic issues that resulted from the injury.

3. Tooth Loss

A dental crown can do more than just defend a tooth – it can also be used to replace one. They can be relied on for one of two prosthetic devices. Two crowns are needed to hold a dental bridge in place. If you have a dental implant placed, a dental crown can serve as the replacement tooth by being fitted onto the implant.


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